A Platform for Online Informal Mentoring.

Monday, March 14, 2011

How Can Online Mentoring Benefit Me?

1. If you are undecided about your career path. Consulting with a Mentor who is currently working, or has worked within the profession you are considering, is an excellent way to help you to determine if that career option is right for you. Your e-mentor can provide you with an industry-wide perspective.

2. If you need advice or support. The outside perspective of a Mentor can be an invaluable resource in today's workforce. An e-mentor's guidance can benefit any employee who is seeking new ideas at work or wants to broaden their career goals.

3. If you are new to your profession. The experience and guidance your e-mentor can offer may help you to learn the ropes of your profession more quickly, elevate your level of success or develop new confidence and competence on the job.

What is E-Mentoring?

E-mentoring is an interactive relationship between a Mentor and Mentee through the use of the Internet, rather than traditional networking connections, such as a colleague at work. Experienced business professionals offer their talent and advice to those they council, based on matching data compiled from a Mentor and Mentee's professional profile. Once a workable profile is identified, a mentoring partnership is formed and the E-mentoring program begins, initiated and carried out through E-mail correspondence. An E-mentoring partnership can last from several months to several years, based on the mutual parties needs and aspirations.

Online Mentoring

One-to-one relationships, facilitated through the Internet, is changing how personal and professional mentoring occurs. Despite the pervasiveness of large lecture courses found in colleges, the core of learning at the graduate level and beyond formal education is one-to-one dialogue between a mentor and a learner. The Internet and trends in e-learning have finally made mentoring practical and cost effective. This blog is one such attempt in the same direction.

Coaching & Mentoring

As you get ready to enter the Professional World or land your new job!!...One always needs a Coach or a Mentor, to whom one could ask questions and get answers. This blog attempts to connect the coaches and coachees and Mentors and Mentees.